Our School Day

The School Day

Our school day starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 3.15 pm. The playground is open from 8.30am and children like to gather, play and talk before we open the doors at 8.40am. Please note, children below Year 5 should not be left unattended in the playground until the 8.40am bell.

8.40am - this is when children come into classrooms and settle in for the day. 

10.10am - we often (around 3-4 days per week) gather together as a school, to hear about the world, discuss school life together, sing and celebrate our latest achievements and creations. We tell you about what we get up to in our gatherings in the weekly newsletter.

10.30am - this is morning break. The whole school plays together on the playground and makes use of lots of equipment - climbing frames, picnic tables, balls, basketball and netball nets, wild corners, hoops and a table tennis table. 

11.50am - children go over to the cafe in class groups to eat. We then for as much of the year as possible get to play until 12.55pm on our enormous school field! There are two football pitches, a gym trail, wooded areas, swings, 'loose parts play' (tyres, planks etc) and a slide. 

1pm-3.15pm - afternoon class learning with an afternoon break, taken when it makes most sense for each class. Sometimes KS2 go for a short walk. KS1 and Reception tend to be on the playground between 2.20 and 2.40pm.

3.15pm pick up in the playground


Pick-up permissions

If you would like your child to be picked up by someone else, it is essential that you let the school office know so that we have it recorded in our school diary. 



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