Learning Support (SEND)

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Ana da Piedad – Senco (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator)

Here at Bealings we believe that all children are unique and that this uniqueness should be celebrated and nurtured. We also believe that all children have the right to access equally rich and meaningful experiences, and that our job is to create an inclusive, happy and encouraging environment where every child can thrive and be free to ‘be’.

If you want to talk to a member of staff about your child's needs, please first of all speak with your child's class teacher. They may suggest a meeting with Ana, our Senco, or they may be able to help, first of all. 

Our admissions agreement:

We follow Suffolk County Council’s admission agreements which can be found  https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-places/ 

SENDIASS and Local Offer: 

SENDIASS: This service provides confidential, impartial support and advice for parents, carers, children and young people (up to 25 years) in relation to Special Educational Needs and disability.

Suffolk SEND Local Offer:  Information, advice and services for children and young people with SEND in Suffolk.

Key Documents:

SEND Policy - on the policies page

School Information Report - currently under review