Our Adults

These are the adults who work in our school:

Whole school: Ana (Headteacher and Senco), Trish (PE and PPA), Kate (freelance art specialist), Helen and Sarah (French), Wendy (reading and gardening), Miche, Annabel, Carolynne, Jenny, Elinor, Lavinia and Cat (parent/grandparent helpers) 

Early Years: Claire (EYFS lead) and Jen (class teachers) Karen, Gaynor, Anita

KS1: Becky (class teacher for 1&2, Yr 2 link), Joy (Year 1), Sophie, Laura M and Gaynor

Lower KS2: Alice (class teacher for 3&4), Frankie

Upper KS2: Mark (class teacher for 5&6), Finlay

The cafe: Eilidh (Head Chef), Sadie, Hannah and Cat

Lunchtime support: Teresa and Jo

Other brilliant people: Philippa (piano teacher), Stuart (Forest School), Josh (sports coach)

The office: Laura W (school business manager) and Finlay

Find out about our governors on the governors' page.