Bealings Café
We LOVE our Café - which is essentially our dining room where we all eat our lunch. There is an outdoor terrace as well, with picnic tables. Many of us eat outdoors and we also put on special events when parents can join us for lunch.
The history
In 2022 we reformed our food provision here at Bealings and we brought the running of the café in-house. This meant that we were able to ensure higher quality and tastier food.
Now we have locally sourced, delicious, nutritious and well cooked food every single day thanks to Chef Eilidh and her team. The café is a real collaborative effort. We are always on the look out for volunteers to help us at busy times - like on our community lunch days and at Christmas.
The children, with the help of school gardener Wendy, grow some of the ingredients for our food in our raised beds and poly tunnel and we are also trying out a 'patchwork farm' approach, where children grow something in their gardens - like squash, beans or tomatoes - and bring some of their surplus harvest in.
Current parents
The ParentMail app is used to book and pay for the children’s meals. Meals need to be booked one week in advance. Here is the current menu for the Spring term up to February half-term.
For information about School Milk, click here.