Early Help
Early Help means providing support as soon as a problem arises at any point in a child’s life, from early years through to the teenage years and into early adulthood. Providing early help is more effective in promoting the welfare of children than reacting later. By identifying emerging problems, sharing information with other professionals and targeting assessed need, positive outcomes for children, young people and their families are increased.
Early help is about stopping problems escalating. It relies on accurate early identification of difficulties and early action which is targeted and evaluated. It can involve intensive intervention or lighter touch support and is usually based on a clear support plan, with identified actions, responsibilities and outcomes, which is then reviewed. This may prevent or reduce the need for specialist interventions unless they are absolutely the correct response to meet the need and resolve the problem.
At Bealings our Early Help Offer includes:
Nurture Groups
Induction sessions for children starting in Reception
The school’s nursing team
In house safeguarding protocols
Parent information sessions
Advice from the Primary Mental Health Support Worker
Bespoke learning interventions for pupils
Headteacher available to meet with parents when needed, and an open door policy for pupils
Other external agency support
For further information please click here