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Years 3 & 4 Autumn 2020

Tribal Kingdoms – History In Action

W/c 7th September 2020
Welcome back to our Bealings family!  What a wonderful few days it’s been with all the smiling, happy faces of the children coming into school!  Everyone is so excited to be back together.  Please take a moment to check out our Term Overview.  Year 3 and 4’s Mantle this term is TRIBAL KINGDOMS and we are an Historical Re-enactment Company!  All learning will be spanning the Iron Age (Circa 1200BC) through to the Roman Invasion (Circa 43AD).  We are very excited about this Mantle as it will include lots of time outdoors learning about some of the everyday aspects of village life such as farming, construction and hunting methods used during the Iron Age.  This means that having a waterproof coat and a pair of wellies which can be kept in school will help us to get out and about in all weathers!!
W/c 14th September 2020
We have received a voicemail from Adele Scott – the Events Officer from English Heritage.  They’re excited about a new archaeological site which is currently showing evidence of being an Iron Age settlement.  Adele has asked us to provide a quote for a re-enactment event.  There are a couple of other companies in the running but she contacted us after a recommendation from the Jorvic Society who booked us to reenact at the Viking Festival in Gippeswyk.  A lot rests on how we brand ourselves and price our packages.  Will we win the contract? There’s loads to organise!!
W/c 28th September 2020

W/c 5th October 2020

The prop making continues! We have shields, daggers, clay pots and swords.

W/c 12th October 2020

The team has been invited to help excavate a site of particular archaeological interest. We measured our 1m squares using measuring tapes, pegs and twine. We measured 1.41 m diagonally from each peg to make sure that our squares were exact. We then plotted our finds.

In our tool kits we had:



Measuring tapes




Tent pegs

Plastic bags

Enveloped to put our artefacts in once found


We were very excited to find fragments of pottery, pieces of flint, a mysterious circular item made of metal, and an ancient coin! We are now in the midst of recording and dating these items.

We carefully studied the artefacts, to give us clues about the past and what they were used for. After this, we were able to put an estimation on their age, use, materials made and who might have owned these. Our very own observational drawings helped us gain further insights.

Extensive research from one of our archaeologists shows that this is known as an Iron Age Pennanular Brooch.

These were used for fastening clothes, as you can see below: