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Reception Summer 2021

W/c 22nd March 2021
Sweeties Farm Shop and Café are set up and ready for the children to enjoy.
The children have worked to create menu’s for the café and packaging for the farm shop.
Whilst creating these we investigated money and weight.
The children decided that we should run an eco friendly shop to protect our planet.
We had a lovely class discussion where the children shared their understanding of what this means.
W/c 12th April 2021
The children created menus for lunch, breakfast, drinks and desserts for our farm café. This provided an opportunity to think about healthy eating.
We discussed the fact that it is also fine to have the occasional treat and from this we created our dream desserts.
Through creating these menus the children were given the opportunity to work with and investigate money.
W/c 19th April 2021
This week the children discovered that some food had been taken from our shop.
A note was left saying “sorry from Sally”, this discussion followed.
The children decided that we should have security cameras watching our shop to help with our investigation.
We have captured some helpful footage which should help us with our investigations.
W/c 26th April 2021
The children had an active discussion about who Sally might be and why she might have taken the food from our shop.
Another discussion followed and it was decided that we should leave Sally a food parcel and letter asking her to meet us.
Sally was grateful for the food parcel but was too scared to meet us.
W/c 3rd May 2021
The children discover a letter from Sally and a piece of blossom.
Sally was also sighted leaving this note and present on one of our security cameras.
The children shared their thoughts about this.
Letters are written to Sally to encourage her to meet and trust us.
These were left with another food parcel.
Sally has now been seen several times by our security cameras and the children have decided that we should create a map of the area to investigate where Sally has been spotted.
W/c 10th May 2021
We went on a walk to investigate the school environment and to think about where Sally might be living.
From this investigation each child created their own map of the school grounds.

Using our maps we collaboratively created a wall map to plot sightings and evidence of Sally.
This gave us the opportunity to discuss and use coordinates.
We plotted the sightings and evidence of Sally on this map.
Careful observational were used in the creation of our map.
The children were intrigued by the gate which gave us the opportunity to look in detail at all of the elements of the gate. After creating some careful sketches and having some deep discussions the children decided to create a living gate by using their bodies as different parts of the gate. The children were thoroughly engaged throughout this activity.
W/c 17th May 2021
Over the last 6 weeks we have been observing and recording the lifecycle of frogspawn to adult frogs.
Each week we looked closely at the changes.
The children have been engaged and absorbed which has encouraged their independent writing of their discoveries.
W/c 24th May 2021
The children decided to write letters to Sally because they wanted to meet her.
Sally agreed to meet with the children in Sweeties Farm Cafe. The children came up with a list of questions to ask Sally when they met her.
Sally arrived and the children confidently went into role to ask her the questions.
More to follow….
The children completed a final entry in their lifecycle journals before saying goodbye to the froglets when they are returned to their natural habitat.
W/c 7th June 2021
The children thought of questions that they wanted to ask Sally during the meeting with her.
They discovered that Sally now had a home but needed to earn some money.
The children thought of ways that they could help her.

Together they decided that they could offer Sally a job cleaning the farm shop and café.

W/c 14th June 2021

A discovery was made in our farm café outdoor area and the children were very excited.
We decided to follow their excitement and take the opportunity to investigate the life cycle of a stag beetle.
W/c 21 June 2021
Key Stage 1 enjoyed a long awaited day out at Easton Farm Park!
W/c 28th June 2021
Sally has been cleaning our shop and cafe.
This gave us the opportunity to work with money counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to work out how much to pay her.
W/c 5 July 2021
A new note was received from Sally.
The children were very excited to hear that Sally was now happy, bringing our story to a joyful conclusion.
W/c 12 July 2021
Key Stage 1 children enjoyed performing their summer production Pirates Versus Mermaids.
Reception received a note from Sally.
Sally told them that she had come to watch the play and especially enjoyed the songs.
The children wrote about Sally’s visit in their journals and whilst working created a short poem about Sally.