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School Performance

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At Bealings, our core purpose is not to prepare children for statutory tests. We are, of course, committed to ensuring that children acquire the key skills to succeed and so reading, writing and maths are all integral to what we do and what we teach.

Children take statutory tests at the end of each key stage (Year 2 and Year 6) in maths and reading. We prepare them for the experience. We try not to spend disproportionate amounts of time ‘teaching to the test’. The children’s writing that they complete in school is also assessed against standard criteria.

We have around 12-15 children in each year group so this means that each child is ‘worth’ 7-9%. There are natural fluctuations in our data because our children are all naturally different!

KS2 Data 2023

Bealings’ Results (% expected level and above)                            National Average                                   

Reading 92%                                                                                       73%

Writing 83%                                                                                         71%

Maths 92%                                                                                          73%

KS2 Data 2022

Bealings’ Results (% expected level and above)                            National Average                                   

Reading 93%                                                                                        74%

Writing 87%                                                                                          69%

Maths 87%                                                                                           71%


KS1 Data Summer 2022

Bealings’ Results (% expected level and above)                            National Average

Reading 80%                                                                                       Reading 68%

Writing 67%                                                                                         Writing 59%

Maths 80%                                                                                           Maths 70%


Year One Phonics Summer 2022

Bealings’ Results (% expected level and above)                           National Average

74%                                                                                                     75%